

Team Fat Man is Unleashed: Sponsoring Athletes

This idea is two years in the making. In October of 2008 I came up with this idea to promote health and fitness. Two years went by and I dropped the ball on it. Now, after just having registered for the 5K Publix Super Markets Gasparilla Distance Classic Race Weekend, February 26, 2011, here in Tampa, FL, this is being revived.

What is Team Fat Man?
Well, it’s pretty simple really. You are Team Fat Man. More specifically though, Team Fat Man is an initiative I came up with to help sponsor and promote health and fitness. will:

  1. Sponsor any person/athlete that enters a race, marathon, biking race, swimming race, sports event, contest, etc, etc, etc.
  2. We will reimburse a percentage your entry fee (up to a specified amount that needs to be agreed upon prior to any commitment from FMU).
  3. Provide you a free Team Fat Man t-shirt.
  4. Feature you on Fat Man Unleashed as an official Team Fat Man member.

I am working on providing an extra goody for being a member of Team Fat Man, but that is in the works and open to ideas.

What is the Catch or Athletes Role?
The catch is:

  1. You have to place within the top 8% of all entrants (open to change).
  2. Wear a Team Fat Man t-shirt during the event (or after if it’s a race or some other obstacle is presented).
  3. Write a blog post about the experience that will be posted on FMU, video si great too.

If you have any suggestions or comments regarding Team Fat Man and the whole sponsoring thing, let me know. I am always open to ideas. This is open to athletes and potentially to people that walk for charities.

If you want to become a Team Fat Man member, please contact me so that we can get started. Please provide the race you will run, the date, the entrance cost, a link to the race web site, and a little bit about yourself.

About the Author

My name is Israel Lagares. I used to be the kind of guy that was always in shape, but over the last few years I've fallen off tremendously. This site is my final attempt to get back into shape. So far I've lost 70.4 lbs. Check out my weight loss chart, weight loss videos and progress pics. Follow my journey, those of others, and read our thoughts on various health topics. Share your thoughts, experience, and journey here on FMU.

Community Thoughts (3)

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  1. This is tempting! Here in the Cincinnati area, we have a race coming up in a few weeks. Of course at 5-9 195, I’m not that fat…but I could lose a few pounds.

  2. TomNo Gravatar says:

    Good for you guyz! You have gain at the same time you help others..Keep doing such wonderful things..hope to bless you more…

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