

No Time for Sleep!


I have too much to do to sleep. Watch the video as I explain to you what I mean. I know I need sleep for my health, but 5 solid hours of sleep is good for me right now.

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About the Author

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Frank Cruz. I am a former fat man who’s almost completely unleashed. I had an appetite that could not be satisfied. Four years ago I stepped on the scale, and was blown away when I saw the shocking number: 298. On January 1st, 2009 I decided to make a real change and I mean, mind, body, and soul. From that day forth I was on a mission to lose this weight. Something switched deep in my subconscious; I saw myself like a new man. That’s when the real change began, when my mind and soul won the battle over my body. Today I invite you to join me on a mission to transform your lives. This is truly a difficult task, but one that can be accomplished. I know how to do this; I have the road map to success!! Come and join me, and you too can be UNLEASHED.

Community Thoughts (8)

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  1. MikeNo Gravatar says:

    The importance of sleep is crucial for functioning in our everyday lives. There is no such thin as catching up on sleep as we do not have a sleep bank that we can tap into when we need it.

  2. Paul T.No Gravatar says:

    I totally agree. I have been sleeping less some what. I believe in picking one day out of the month to bypass all night. Although I do note a sense of sleep being like one’s battery charger, but sometimes you have to be on call with no battery charge to follow through with that productive tide. College students pull all nighter’s for the exam. so why not do it sometimes in life.

  3. Edward PlatzNo Gravatar says:

    I agree with Mike. I envy those who can get by on 4-5 hours sleep, but I just can’t do it. I need 6 hours minimum, though of course the occasional late night/ very early morning is fine.
    I also think it helps to get into a very good routine. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day and it’ll get easier.
    If you’re trying to rise a little earlier, then it’ll take time for your body to get used to it. Do it gradually.

  4. VenetaNo Gravatar says:

    The problem is in our mind. It’s always busy to finish this or that. Another big issue is the hunger at night time which causes gain weight.

  5. Dennis BlairNo Gravatar says:

    Boy, my sleep really varies. I can easily get by some weeks with 5-6 hours and then there are some weeks where I need at least 8+. However, if I sleep past 7:30, I feel like I am wasting my day!

  6. GordonNo Gravatar says:

    You can turn over as much as 60% of grey matter in your brain when you sleep. Sleep super important. If you don’t sleep you increase stress hormones that store fat. You also don’t have the same level of vitality. It’s the best bang for your buck too.

  7. PralineNo Gravatar says:

    Love, love, love your energy, Frank C.! And your points are spot-on. “Everyone always wakes up tired.” I hate when people try to tell me working 2 jobs @ over 80 hours/wk. is too much. They always say, “When do you sleep?”, and I reply, “Why do you sleep so much?” Gets them every time! People loooove to make excuses for themselves.
    People don’t necessarily like to work hard!

    But, you have the upper hand…you goals! THAT is what gets you out of bed. Wanting to succeed!!!

  8. anshNo Gravatar says:

    no time to sleeep bcz everyone is running after money . .

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