

Tipping the Scales: 3 lbs. Lost this Week

Weight Scale 315 Lbs, 3 lost this weekI am not happy with this weigh-in. Last week I said I would lose 5 lbs for this weigh-in, but failed. I hate failing. I feel like a failure now. Losing 3 lbs wasn’t enough.

I have that dubious goal of being under 300 lbs by November 1st, which now leaves me with 15 days to lose 16 pounds. That means that I have to lose more than one pound a day which isn’t exactly a safe thing to do. I don’t know if I can do it and now that means that I will fail again. The lack of confidence isn’t being helped here. Not one bit.


Since it seems a little far fetched to try and lose 16 lbs in 15 days, I am going to alter my goal. The new goal is to be near 305 lbs (over or under by 3 lbs) or less by November 1st. I think that’s a more attainable goal for me. I will keep on busting my butt though. This isn’t going to be a cake walk, but I am hoping to do it anyway. I am not going to change anything as far as my workout is concerned. I like how things are and I like the pump and sweat that I get from my weight lifting and cardio sessions. Looks like I am going to have to hop on the recumbent bike as I watch The Biggest Loser tonight.

Here’s to a bigger weight loss next week of 8 pounds. I hope. πŸ™

About the Author

My name is Israel Lagares. I used to be the kind of guy that was always in shape, but over the last few years I've fallen off tremendously. This site is my final attempt to get back into shape. So far I've lost 70.4 lbs. Check out my weight loss chart, weight loss videos and progress pics. Follow my journey, those of others, and read our thoughts on various health topics. Share your thoughts, experience, and journey here on FMU.

Community Thoughts (24)

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  1. Rachel B.No Gravatar says:

    I would kill to lose three pounds in a week. It just goes to show how mental and relative this all is!

  2. ebsfwanNo Gravatar says:

    I think you put too much stock in the scale myself. A 3 pound loss in a week is pretty fantastic. After ten weeks thats 30 pounds.

    You are setting yourself up for disappointment if you aim for an 8 pound loss in a week.

    It’s not sustainable.

  3. Skinny GuyNo Gravatar says:

    Hey, snap out of it! It’s not about the numbers, it’s about the trend, dude! This isn’t The Biggest Loser – if you obsess about the weekly number, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure. 3 pounds is an abso-fraggin’-lutely great loss!

  4. Three pounds looks very good to me – you are heading in the right direction… you made 60% of your goal… that is good that you are not satisfied with only 60% but still, progress is progress and don’t beat yourself up over it and lack confidence because of it.

  5. JamesNo Gravatar says:

    You should aim to loose 2pounds a week maximum, that’s it. Doing it too fast is not good. A week lost would have been a week with 1pound more.

    • JamesNo Gravatar says:

      Sorry, yes that would depend on just how many pounds over weight you are. But don’t aim for numbers, just do your best today and everyday, nutrition and exercice wise. And then simply write down the numbers for your reporting tool, but don’t have any aim.

      I don’t know how many cheat meals you allow yourself, but that should be like once every 10 days or so and not several a week!

      Do it seriously!

      • IsraelNo Gravatar says:

        I am doing this seriously and I need to have a goal so that I can work towards it. Otherwise it will feel like theres no point to me. Maybe once I get to my maintenance stages I can do what you suggest.

    • IsraelNo Gravatar says:

      I am starting to think that you are right.

  6. Hey Israel, you wrote, “that means that I will fail again. “…… I don’t think you’re a failure at all, 3 lbs in one week is actually quite a bit of weight to drop! WTG!

    You’re doing awesome, and I’m glad that you adjusted your goal to be more realistic. Look at how far you’ve already come, at the changes you are making……do you feel good? If you feel good and have high energy, that is the biggest benefit at all, at least in my experience. πŸ™‚

    • IsraelNo Gravatar says:

      I do feel better so maybe you are right. I just feel like I need to drop 5 to 10 lbs a week.

      • Yeah, you know what though, you’re not going to lose that much each week, and some weeks you won’t lose any. I’d suggest dropping the number goal on the scale and focusing on the actions you’re taking to get there…..all you can do is follow through on eating healthy, eating often to keep your metabolism up, and your workouts. As long as you do what’s in your power, you’ve done what you can do.

        If you instead keep on thinking you must lose 5 or 10 each week, you might end up getting so discouraged that you start going the other way, know what I mean? Let the scale do what it will and you can look at all of the other benefits you’re gaining – loose clothing, extra energy, and clean living from clean eating. πŸ˜‰

  7. Here’s one more thing… you take your measurements? When you track your measurements you’ll often find that your body is getting smaller even when you don’t see a change on the scale. Even just going by how your clothes fit is a better indicator than getting all wrapped up in the scale. I do understand though, that you want to see the # go down, but take a look at the overall changes….the fit of your clothes, the change in inches, and most of all, how you feel. Like I said in my previous comment, if you’re feeling just wonderful and full of energy, clear headed and focused, that’s the best benefit of all. That’s how I feel when I’m eating clean.

    All the best to you!! πŸ™‚

  8. SteveNo Gravatar says:

    Hey Israel,

    3 lbs is awesome progress. I know you are set on 5-8 Lbs next week. Now normally would agree with everyone that you should aim for 2-3 Lbs a week loss, but I know what it is like to have that goal so close yet so far away. That 300 is just a mental hurdle.

    If you really want to drop 5 Lbs in a week ( which at your size is sort of attainable) you need to increase the intensity and frequency of your workouts. Up the exercise to 5-6 days this week and do some HIIT. Drink more water, cut out the bread and most importantly try to get another 30 mins to 1 hour of sleep.

    I know I’ll get blasted for this but sometimes you need to change up your routine to get your body to react the way you want it to.

    P.S don’t go crazy with it and switch back to your normal routine the week after.

    Good Luck

  9. MinkeNo Gravatar says:

    Your weight loss is darn good. I understand wanting to drop 5-10 in a week, but also know that ANY loss is better than a gain. Also, since muscles are denser than fat, are you sure you just aren’t going through a period of greater muscle development… which will eventually help you burn more fat?

    I understand craving those big losses in the scales (LOL I posted about it today myself!) But also know that as much as we LONG for it, sometimes it just isn’t realistic.

    I think all of us, given the choice, would snap our fingers and be at our goal weight tomorrow.

    My suggestion? Bump back your goal date. I’m not sure why Nov 1 is so meaningful, but go for another meaningful date… maybe say you’ll be under 300 by Thanksgiving. That’ll give you a more reachable benchmark and still give you a meaningful date to reach it by.

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