

There’s a Ghost Working Out in My Gym


I don’t know why, but every so often I feel like there’s a ghost working out in my gym. It’s creepy. I wake up and the door is wide open. Taunting me. Check the video out and let me know if I’m just bugging out or what. Either there’s a ghost in my gym or The Shack is sentient and misses me.

You be the judge!

About the Author

My name is Israel Lagares. I used to be the kind of guy that was always in shape, but over the last few years I've fallen off tremendously. This site is my final attempt to get back into shape. So far I've lost 70.4 lbs. Check out my weight loss chart, weight loss videos and progress pics. Follow my journey, those of others, and read our thoughts on various health topics. Share your thoughts, experience, and journey here on FMU.

Community Thoughts (6)

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  1. socreNo Gravatar says:

    Maybe you are right. There are other creatures besides us-unseen creatures. I believe they are exist, but do not worry about them. They can not kill us.

  2. Michael ZhaoNo Gravatar says:

    If they can physical move things and cannot be seen…then they diffidently can touch you thus hurt you if they wanted. But any way, are you sure there isn’t a burglar? I would set up a hidden camera somewhere to see who is the culprit!

  3. yep, I will suggest the same as Michael Zhao, there can’be thing like Ghost out there as I don’t believe on them. Play some trick and find out what is happening.

  4. Scary Ghost ! πŸ˜›

    BTW, I liked your reasons to using this domain name ! πŸ™‚

    Cheers !
    HellBound Bloggers

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