

Lose Weight, Gain Dirty Laundry

Laundry MachineIt’s been a few weeks since I started this whole lifestyle change and one thing I noticed was that my dirty laundry has grown tremendously. It’s as if the more I workout, the more dirty clothes I have. It’s nothing major, just something I started noticing as I was doing laundry the other day. More sweat equals more dirty clothes. Pretty simple when you think of it, but most of the time we don’t think of these little things.

Just think. Let’s say you workout twice a day: once in the morning and once at night when you get home. That’s two shirts, two pants/shorts, four socks, and two underwear (add in bras or sports bras if your a woman) that are dirty and that you need to account for in a day. Let’s then say that you do this five times a week. That’s all that times five. So if you do laundry once week, like I do, then that’s about load of clothes just from your working out per week. I don’t know about you but I don’t dirty that much clothes normally, so it kinda effects my bottom line in a way. Having to spend more water, detergent, conditioner, and electricity isn’t something I like to do.


There are a few ways to lessen the heaping mound of dirty laundry that you build up but it sometimes isn’t worth it. For example, you can wear the same shorts and shirt for a couple of days, which is gross. You can also wear the same socks and underwear, but at the risk of a potential fungal bacteria.

I guess when you think about it, it really isn’t all that serious of a matter. I was just bored and having do some laundry so I decided to write about it. Oh well, back to washing my sweaty gym clothes. They don’t seem that nasty when you’re wearing them. Yuck.

About the Author

My name is Israel Lagares. I used to be the kind of guy that was always in shape, but over the last few years I've fallen off tremendously. This site is my final attempt to get back into shape. So far I've lost 70.4 lbs. Check out my weight loss chart, weight loss videos and progress pics. Follow my journey, those of others, and read our thoughts on various health topics. Share your thoughts, experience, and journey here on FMU.

Community Thoughts (7)

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  1. JanBNo Gravatar says:

    It is so hot to hear a man talking about doing laundry! I had to say that. I do one workout in the early Am and then just take everything off and do a load of wash right after I am done. I have to do at least one load a day and I have found that working out daily keeps my laundry in check because I only have two sets of workout stuff and if I don’t do them I end up exercising in clothes that are not as comfy for what I do.

  2. JohnNo Gravatar says:

    I change clothes close to three times a day now that I work out.

    Also, ever workout in the morning, shower, and get redressed, only to notice your shower didn’t take and you still smell all over again- despite the soap, shampoo, and cologne. I hate when that

  3. Michael CNo Gravatar says:

    Ha I hate laundry it is evil.

  4. DanNo Gravatar says:

    I guess getting in shape has more hidden costs than the usual sources ever tell you! Never really thought of it that way…but I suppose you could use the same workout clothes per day? So even if you work out twice, you only dirty one set of clothes. Hm…

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