Interesting Conversation with my Cousin
I had a very interesting conversation with my cousin the other day. It centered around his wanting to get back into shape. He hadn’t been over my house for a few months and realized how I was living a healthier life: green tea and soy milk in the fridge, tuna in the cupboard, salads and fruits on the counter.
He was kind of shocked. He knows me as the big, fat cousin. The guy that was always a big football player. I explained to him that I have been wanting to change my life. He too wants to change his life, but hasn’t done anything to better it. He eats all the wrong things and doesn’t do anything remotely close to exercise.
I started telling him that he needs to dig deep inside and find that inner warrior that will help him in his quest. He needs to find that one thing that will make him stick to doing anything. For me it’s being able to play with my two year old daughter in the park. Knowing that what I am doing will give me a better quality of life is all I need in order to keep in plugging away with my healthier lifestyle.
I also told him that the change doesn’t need to be drastic. Adjusting some small things such as eating more fruit or walking around outside for his lunch break will be a great start. He was telling me that he doesn’t know how to begin. The thing with him is that he has never had that exercising background. He has never eaten healthy either. He was always able to maintain a decent figure up until a year ago. I guess life caught up with him, but I explained to him that anyone can do anything.
I even invited him over after work to workout with me a few times a week. He said he would take me up on the offer. I hope he does because we all need someone to help us through life.
Boy are you a motivational speaker or what?! Tony Robbins like or better yet like John Chow! HA!
LOL. stop blowing smoke up my behind. its uncomfortable! thanks though.
It is easier to take baby steps for sure. It doesn’t seem like such a massive change. Small changes to your everyday build up until you can’t even remember what your “old ways” were.
i agree 100%. its easier since the change isnt so drastic. that way you dont feel like your “removing” something.
I like to think that I am replacing, not removing
thats an excellent way to put it. replace, remove, repeat.
oooooo I like that!!
pretty catchy. i may just post about that. lol.
If you aren’t gonna then I will…good topic.
Better start….I’m a fast writer
already started. slow poke.
pffffffffft…dont make me bust out MY pythons
k, so they are more like water snakes
you mean garden snakes. better yet worms. lol.
oh….I see what happenin here…..
yep…..I definatly see whats happenin here
Just you wait…keep runnin that mouth…makes me push harder baby
Two words: Bring it.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww shit…
so it begins…
this could be interesting…very very interesting
you got that right. In a few weeks I will be posting some pics. you gonna be ready? i know i will.
I was born ready BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
better make em count!!
3 weeks. mark your calendar.
3 weeks…I was thinking 4…but we’ll go with yours.
I wouldnt want you to pussy out on the last week.
4 weeks. sounds better, gives a month. no excuses, just results! *pounds chest with fists*
oh baby… its oooooooooooooon
hehe, feisty aren’t we? did you hear that? that was me opening y can-o-woop-ass!
dude…I opened mine this morning…pretty sure that sound came from over here
hahhahahahahaha you’re fuckin awesome!!!!
so they say. thanks. you’re not to shabby urself.
yeah, well…you know
/brushes off shoulder
i agree 100%. its easier since the change isnt so drastic.