

Did I Lose Weight from a Hair Cut?

I got a hair cut the other day and I feel a lot lighter and a little tighter. Did I really lose that much weight or is it my mind playing tricks on me? I tried analyzing my other photos but I couldn’t tell whether or not I had lost any significant weight on my face. What do you think?

Did I lose weight in my face?


You be the judge. Did I lose weight in my face or not? The above pics are from a few months ago, last week, and yesterday, respectively.

About the Author

My name is Israel Lagares. I used to be the kind of guy that was always in shape, but over the last few years I've fallen off tremendously. This site is my final attempt to get back into shape. So far I've lost 70.4 lbs. Check out my weight loss chart, weight loss videos and progress pics. Follow my journey, those of others, and read our thoughts on various health topics. Share your thoughts, experience, and journey here on FMU.

Community Thoughts (32)

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  1. EC EnglishNo Gravatar says:

    Looks like you did loose some weight.

  2. JamaipaneseNo Gravatar says:

    of course you did….a couple ounces ^_^

  3. The haircut of course makes it look even smaller…but if you look beyond that you can see a major difference in your face.
    Very impressive!

  4. JanBNo Gravatar says:

    Your face looks thinner since the first photo. I notice a lot of weight loss in my facial photos. I take them every month.

    • IsraelNo Gravatar says:

      Yeh, when i am in shape by jaw line is chiseled and my face is thing. I look like a different person, as you all will see in the coming months.

  5. randy braggNo Gravatar says:

    There is a difference….

  6. BambiNo Gravatar says:

    There is indeed a difference! πŸ™‚

    You look thinner on the third one. Hmmm I might take my photo every month and see changes too.. ^_^

  7. I see a difference, WTG on the positive changes you’re making! You know what’s funny though, when I first saw your pic I thought you were one of the guys from the Biggest Loser….but you’re giving an example that you don’t have to go on a reality show to make healthy changes in your life. πŸ˜‰

    • IsraelNo Gravatar says:

      Biggest Loser dont got nothing on me. If I was on that show (and I qualify being that I was 350 lbs) I would rock and be kicked off like real early do too competition issues. I was going to apply but its such a detailed annoying process so i opted out. I also didnt want to lose weight too fast because the i was going to have all that loose skin that alot of those folks have. they lose weight too fast.

  8. JohnNo Gravatar says:

    The beard makes it hard to tell but I’ll say it looks like it to me.

  9. Mahesh MohanNo Gravatar says:

    The last weeks pic looks good…. and yes it looks like that you lose some weight…..

  10. VicNo Gravatar says:

    Yes you can tell, I understand that by cutting your hair and shaving it would also look thiner but really I focus on your glasses and eyes and your glasses look like they fit less tight. Wow now I feel ashamed I need to lose some serious weight and stop smoking.

  11. HotoNo Gravatar says:

    i need to loose some weight too. i looking great.

  12. JessieNo Gravatar says:

    There is definatly a difference there.

    Lookin good babe….looooookin good

  13. Definately you did, It %100 seems that you have lose weight from a hair cut.

  14. lol. Just don’t go shaving your legs, arms and chest in an attempt to lose a bit more weight πŸ˜‰

  15. haha, dude looks like you lost weight. At least a little.

  16. Haha ….. Title is still funny to me …. Dude You look like a mean machine on every picture …

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