
Category: Fitness


Preparing for Your First Race

Gearing up for your first 5K, 10K, Half Marathon or Full Marathon? Congratulations! With lots of great races scheduled nationwide, I went directly to the pros for tips and guidelines on how to stay focused, build stamina and meet (or exceed!) your goals. And since running requires both physical and mental exertion, we’ve got you […]


Pros and Cons of a Personal Trainer

Have You Ever Thought About Hiring A Personal Trainer? I have a new man in my life. He’s tall, dark and handsome and we meet twice a week. During our time together, he tells me what to do, when to do it, how to do it and how many to do. He makes me sweat […]


Treadmill Tricks

Not only do I love to run, but I love the treadmill. A bit odd for someone who has self-diagnosed A.D.D., but it’s true; I find it easier to run on the treadmill versus the pavement. With colder weather right around the corner, most outdoor fans are forced to transition to indoor workouts. I know […]


Skinny Does Not = Fit

One of the advantages of working for a large corporation is the extra perks that come with it. When I worked for HBO Sports a few years ago (a division of the Time Warner media conglomerate), I was able to use the company gym for very small fee. If my memory serves me right, H.R. […]


Wanna know a secret? Do Yoga!

OK, ladies. I want to share a powerful secret with you. Are you ready? Yoga makes you feel really, really good. If you haven’t heard of yoga before, you must be living under a rock. While it has been practiced for thousands of years, yoga has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. According […]


Cold Weather Workouts Help Me Train Harder

Finally! I’m so glad the cold weather is starting to settle-in down here in Florida. Maybe it’s because I can’t stand sweating profusely, but I find that working out in the cold helps me train harder. I think back to my football days and reminisce about practicing in the cold. We’d get out of practice […]


100 Burpee Challenge at 281 Lbs in 20 Minutes

I’ve been on a burpee kick for a few months now. Having started with only five burpees on day one, I’ve come a long way. A few weeks ago I wrote about how I did 105 burpees one night. I wasn’t able to record it since it was a spontaneous thing, but this time around I set out to record myself pumping out 100 burpees. I weigh 281 lbs, so this isn’t easy. Don’t try this at home folks. Seriously. You could get some kind of heart attack. Obese individuals like myself should be very careful when performing such strenuous exercise. Don’t worry about me, I’m a freak when it comes to these things so I’m safe…


The Michael Vick Workout

So let’s tackle the burning question every owner and fan has: can Michael Vick perform on the gridiron? Does Mike Vick still have the Michael Jackson moves that made him a moon-walking lethal weapon on Sundays? Or have his football skills eroded? Can he throw the ball nowadays…is he still fast like flash? Well my […]


How To Do Burpees in Bad Form at 284 Lbs

Did you ever want to learn how to do a burpee? How about I show you how to do a burpee with bad form. Then maybe you can work on the right form. I’ll post a video of me doing some burpees in good form later this week. I’ve been doing them for several months now, ever since I was 300+ lbs. I decided to make a quick video to see what I looked like performing a burpee. The video doesn’t lie and although my left pec is hurt as I’m doing them, I won’t use that as an excuse. I noticed some major flaws in my technique.


Chin Up Challenge Attempt at 284 Lbs.

About 30 days ago, June 23rd 2009, I challenged myself. I was to perform one unassisted chin up by August 1st. I recorded myself not being able to perform a chin up, as proof. I then did some band assisted chin ups, three reps, for the first time ever. Not being able tp perform a chin up was pretty embarrassing, but the way I look at it is that I have a ton of room for growth. And I will show growth!


Band Assisted Chin Ups and Bodyweight Row Challenges

About a month ago I called out Muata, from Mr. Low Body Fat, to a fitness challenge. Initially it was supposed to be that I had to perform one full chin up by a certain date. That’s when I set up to work on my chins ups and pull ups. For the life of me I could not pull myself up. At 300+ lbs (mostly fat), it’s pretty much impossible for anyone to this. There are those few exceptions that can do it but they mainly have massive amounts of muscle that comprise their 300 lb frames. I am not a strongman, I’m just a normal fat guy.


105 Burpees Non-Stop by a 288 lb Fat Man

Update: Here is a video of me completing a 100 burpee challenge. It’s 11:10 PM. I’m tired. I want to work on tweaking the website. I’m sleepy. I want to go to bed. What do I do? I get off my ass…and workout. This is what it’s going to take for me to get to […]


Suitcase Workout

The contributing factors to the suitcase’s effectiveness as a workout tool are 1) its natural cumbersome nature, 2) the variations in weight that can be achieved and 3) the uniqueness of the movements that can be performed with the luggage. Now yes of course you have to get over the initial feeling of “this is silly I’m training with grandma’s suitcase”. But after you come to terms with that awkwardness you will come to find this out of the box training a real strength gainer. So here’s the work out I performed immediately following my landing and boy did the folks at baggage claim think I was weird.


Working Out in Tampa Bay

I’ve been working out mostly in Tampa Bay for the past couple of years. I think it’s a great place to get in shape while getting a nice tan. The weather is usually perfect for a workout. And if you are like me and like to sweat, then the Tampa heat will definitely get you […]


Bicep Building and Arm Development through the Muscle Shocking Technique, Part One

Changing things up to prevent fitness stagnation is key to a long term progressive exercise plan. To break through plateaus and continue getting shredded you have to fool your muscles. Keep in mind that muscles are smart and adapt relatively quickly to routine so utilizing shock techniques can separate your body from those stuck in […]


A Quick 20 Minute Memorial Day Workout

Don’t Succumb to the Memorial Day Binge Memorial Day is right around the corner. With that comes the beer, hot dogs, juices, and the burgers. Some people might have already started the partying on Friday and extended it into a weekend party/food fest. I can envision the BBQ’s blazing and the meat sizzling. It’s a […]


The Myth About Sweating

A lot of people believe you can sweat your extra pounds away. They hop onto the elliptical for fifteen minutes dressed in clothes more appropriate for a run outside in Alaska in the middle of January. The belief is that the amount of sweat excreted correlates to the amount of weight shed. This statement is […]


Get BACK to Basics…with Pull-Ups

There is no place worth going that requires a shortcut. –Anonymous Most everyone agrees that a wide, thick back will form an aesthetic, 3-dimensional type of physique that will turn heads. And yet, the back remains one of the most neglected male body parts. Nothing beats the deadlift when it comes to thickening the back, […]


Elderly Fitness

To maintain health and vitality, every individual should implement a plan for exercise. Specifically for elderly individuals, fitness can help prevent a variety of symptoms of aging, as it can also help boost both physical and cognitive performance. Benefits of Fitness and Exercise Regular exercise can help individuals of all age groups, providing seemingly endless […]


5 Kick-Ass Workouts That Can Be Done In Under 8 Minutes

Time is of the essence. A cliche for sure, but oh so true. Not having the time to workout is one of the most common excuses people use to let their fitness levels deteriorate. The five workouts that follow will not only crank your metabolism into a fat burning furnace, but they can also be […]


Walking For Lunch, or Any Other Down Time You Have

Want to get in some simple exercise that has great benefits? I have a solution for you…go for walks during your lunch break. It’s way better then sitting around eating. All you have to do is pack some sneakers, or comfortable footwear, and schedule a walk for your lunch hour. The AARP has a list […]


How Do I Find The Right Gym?

How Do I Find The Right Gym? If you’re in the market for a gym membership, there are plenty of details and amenities that may help boost your motivation and success. Today, fitness facilities aim to provide individuals with unique and wide-ranging services, from group fitness classes to child care support, you should check out […]


Runner’s Hangout – A Running Discussion Forum

Runner’s Hangout is a community focused on people who like to run or get started in running. There are useful links to check out other running web sites. They even have a supplements link to purchase different types of herbal supplements to aid you in your running. Keep in mind that this community website is […]


Weight Lifting for Weight Loss, Fitness and Health

Editor’s note: This is a guest article from Zane. He runs a website called Best Diet Pills that provides consumers with no b.s. reviews of diets and diet pills. Weight Lifting for Weight Loss, Fitness and Health In addition to cardiovascular exercise activities, research reveals that weight lifting will also provide individuals with added weight […]


5 Steps for Moms to Get Rid of Pregnancy Weight

So 9 months (maybe more, maybe less) of sheer H-E double hockey sticks and sheer agony, you’re a proud new mommy. It’s a great thing and a time to celebrate, but once the hype dies down and you look at yourself…you wonder how the heck you are going to get rid of that belly? There […]


Working Out with the Misses, I Love HER!!!

I don’t usually write about my wife on here, but today is an exception. Why? Because she rocks. Back when we were dating and in college, we would work out together and I used to love sharing that with her. It was something we did to relax and bond. So flash forward to now and […]


Building Monster Legs or The Definitive Guide to Unleashing Massiveness in Your Tree Trunk Thighs

An Often Neglected Bodypart When you begin bodybuilding, what do you perceive as the most impressive body parts? That’s right: arms and chest. Those are the two body parts most of us get caught up in, because they’re the bodyparts that signal to the world that we are bodybuilders. But then all of a sudden […]


Building The Ultimate Bicep

The secret to cultivating the pulsating peaks that are attached to your femurs* is a routine I like to call: Shock and Rest. The first stage of course is the unavoidable Shock portion. Let us take a look at a workout plan that will make your peep squeak arms a thing of the past. “Bicep […]


Two Ways You Can Make Squats Fun and Memorable

Editor’s note: This is a guest post/workout routine from Josh Morrow who can be found at Muscle Bits, a strength training and nutrition blog. Squats can be fun? Yeah, right, who am I kidding? Now that I’ve got your attention, let’s cut to the chase. Deep within the archives of fitness history, I’ve come across […]


Pound the Pavement to Keep Vacation Pounds Away

Photo Courtesy of #BennehBoy Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Sarah Scrafford, an industry critic, as well as a regular contributor on the subject of RN. I hate vacations, not because I’m a workaholic, but because I’m one of the unlucky millions who gains two pounds for every one that I sweat and […]


Former Fat Guy Rob Cooper On Fitness

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Rob Cooper, the Former Fat Guy, about his natural weight loss experience. We covered his fitness, nutrition, and mental health. He is an inspiration to all, he once weighed nearly 500 lbs. 500 POUNDS! It took him only two and half years to drop 300 lbs. Residing […]


Bodyweight Workouts: No excuses

Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Zac Tunstall of Hood Workout, a site with videos on how to perform bodyweight exercises in the comfort of your own surroundings. All of us have body weight (many of us have more body weight than we want). This body weight is a perfect tool you can […]


How to Grow Wings or Get a Wide Back

The ultimate goal for many men is the V-Shape. The V-Shape is created with broad shoulders and a small waist. You learned how to build broad shoulders with this post. To get a small waist, you simply need to follow some of the great weight loss advice here at Fat Man Unleashed. However, what is […]


Exercising Sucks

Actually, exercising doesn’t suck. What sucks is when you’ve worked months and months on your dieting and have lost a lot of weight and then you add exercise to your program and start gaining it back. However, no matter how much it sucks, don’t be discouraged. With the exercise your body has to make modifications […]