
Category: Inner Warriorness


Still Fighting The War!

I was recently attacked by one of our facebook follower’s whose profile name is Patrick Galego. He claims that I am a fraud. He claims that I have lied to you all and that I am not who I say I am. My response is, “go fuck yourself!” Excuse my language. I usually don’t like […]


Still Fighting the War

It’s just the 3 of us God, my will, and me… To be completely honest that’s all I really need… Tryna tap into that strength
my Inner chi…Making my body pull its last bit of energy… This training is intense pain is what I feel… No pain no gain goes through my head like a spinning wheel… My hands are wrapped tense around this cold solid steel… Waiting for the day
when my dreams become real… I gotta keep moving can’t be anything like before… So Imma go hard and strike like a lightening force… This road is old and lonely sweat drips with a tightened jaw…


Peace of Mind

“Peace of Mind means a healthy body…” Proverbs 14:30 This passage of the Bible stood out to me today as I studied. Before the science of psychology was a thought, the Bible spoke about how our mind affects our body. If you look at all the studies done you will find how the mind and […]


The Mentality of Change

How many times have we told ourselves that we want change? We tell ourselves we don’t want to be lazy anymore or that we don’t want to be fat and out of shape. We are tired of lounging around without purpose. We think about it and talk about it like it’s some sort of distant […]


That Just Doesn’t Work For Me

Most of my articles on Fat Man Unleashed (FMU) provide readers with tips or bits of advice to help jumpstart healthier lifestyles. But I’m no expert. One of Israel Lagares’ – the creator of FMU – main goals when he started this project was to open up the floor to readers and have a little […]


My Decision to be Unleashed

I have struggled with my weight for a few years now. I have physical obstacles to overcome. Yet the hardest obstacle I have is mental. It’s on me to push past them or not. The yo-yo dieting is a mental thing. Like Frank C. has taught me, don’t let the diets work me but I […]


A Resolution You Can Stick To

It’s inevitable. The New Year is here and everyone is making resolutions. What’s yours going to be? I have a feeling that many of you out there are going to be making resolutions to lose weight. Am I right? Before you set yourself up for a plan that seems foolproof but is destined to make […]


Fighting the Holiday Feasts

Alright. The holiday season is here which means if you are on a diet or trying to live a healthier lifestyle, food temptation is going to be much stronger for the next handful of weeks. But don’t panic. You can make it through this season without gaining so much as a pound. Here are a […]


My Un-routine Routine

I have a tough time sticking to a plan. Starting blogs, writing books, home improvements and workout plans have always ended soon after they began. Over the past few months I started three different workout plans and failed to continue to execute those routines. Time and time again I found myself motivated to stick it […]


Positive Reinforcements

Hello world, long time know see. Did you miss me? Well I sure have missed you guys. It’s been a while since I last wrote to you. My sister had a huge wedding, and I had a bunch of family out here to visit. It was an awesome experience for me, and I’ve been filled […]


Find that Motivating Factor

It is absolutely crucial that you find the right motivating factor as you embark on your weight loss journey. Without the right motivation you will get sidetracked and quit. It’s that simple. You may be able to survive on you initial burst of enthusiasm for a few weeks, but if you are like most yo-yo […]


There’s a Hater Amongst Us

There’s someone out there that is a hater. This guy has his own health site and preaches his brand of weight loss methods. That’s cool. I don’t have an issue with that. Sharing knowledge of what has worked for you in the past is part of what this whole weight loss thing is about. But […]


A Tip or Two for Motivation…

It is no secret that getting motivated to work out is sometimes as easy as threading a camel through the eye of a needle. We all have things going on: errands to run, dinners to cook; and fitting a workout into the schedule can be nearly impossible. But if you find something that you enjoy […]


Let’s Start with the Man (or Woman) in the Mirror

There’s nothing more basic in battling weight loss or any issue than starting with what you see in that shiny reflective and unforgiving surface you see every day. It’s true. Self image accounts for a good portion of how we look. According to Sarah Grogan’s 2007 edition of Body Image: Understanding Body Dissatisfaction in Men, Women, and Children, she states that…


Coming Out of the Dieting Closet

By far, my least favorite of all the filthy, scandalous four-letter words in the English language is “DIET”. No other word has the ability to make my toes curl and skin crawl like the dreaded “D” word. Tell me that the idea of having to go on a “diet“, or the memory of having been […]


Getting Back Up…..

Like most people, I find myself wanting to lose some inches and weight. So I went back into the gym, I am watching what I am eating, and I even hired a personal trainer. But with all of this, I still found myself wanting a little something more to kick my ass. So I decided to join a class called Bootcamp.


America is in a Depression but Whose Fault is that?

You may have just read the title to this blog and are left wondering “What does this have to do with weight loss?” Well my answer to that question is, “It has everything to do with it!” Did you know that 2/3 of America is considered obese? Which is not surprising being that we no longer have to fight, hunt, and kill to get our food. No not at all, we live in a time of fast food and microwaves. It’s sad to say but we as humans try to find the easiest and fastest but yet not so beneficial way to do everything.


105 Burpees Non-Stop by a 288 lb Fat Man

Update: Here is a video of me completing a 100 burpee challenge. It’s 11:10 PM. I’m tired. I want to work on tweaking the website. I’m sleepy. I want to go to bed. What do I do? I get off my ass…and workout. This is what it’s going to take for me to get to […]


The Power of the Mind

In order to take control of your life, you must first take control of yourself. In order to take control of yourself, you must first take control of your body. In order to take control of your body, you must first take control of your mind, and to take control of your mind, you must first change your way of thinking. When you think about yourself, or your life, or your family, or anything in your environment, do you think as a pessimist, or as an optimist?


Super Size My Superman and Batman, Fat Super Heroes to the Rescue

I thought about the comics and the physiques the super heroes were depicted has having. None of the superheroes were fat! This perplexed me. If Superman was so omnipotent why couldn’t he get away with a lil’ bulge? Belly fat would not have diminished his status. Superman’s powers were so extraordinary even in the realm of super heroes that he could get away with being out of shape.


Listening to Your Body, Resting the Warrior Mentality

Your body talks to you. Didn’t you know that? Not like the kid in Look Who’s Talking or the dog in Look Who’s Talking, Too (starring a slimmer, younger John Travolta), but it gives you signs that you need to learn to respect. Letting the Warrior Mentality Rest Sometimes you can get carried away with […]


Become the MASTER of Your Life!

Master: a leader; a person with the ability or power to use control; a person who is in command; a victor or conqueror; to rule or direct, to triumph over or to OVERCOME. Who is in control of you? Are you aware of the fact that the majority of human beings are controlled by there […]


A Healthy Body Equals a Healthy Mind…That Goes For Kids Too!

It’s no secret to anyone with a pair of eyes that America is in the middle of an obesity epidemic. Our “bigger is better” culture has created a nation of people who are overweight, and out of shape. At some point in the very near future, inactivity and poor diet will pass smoking as the […]


Motivation and How Do We Find It?

May third, really the forth as it’s just after midnight. Israel had asked me if I was interested in writing for him here, he and I have been talking a lot of paintball and even more Internet. At first I was really taken back, I have little respect for my writing ability but as of […]


“Easy, Effortless and Miraculous Weight Loss – Guaranteed!” – Yeah Right!

According the FDA, approximately 50 billion Americans will go on a diet this year, spending an estimated $30 billion dollars on weight loss programs and products. I don’t need to break out my trusty, dusty calculator to know that I have contributed significantly to that staggering figure. Diet centers, gym memberships, pills, teas, workout DVD’s, […]


Why I Hate Fat People or the Discipline Switch

If I see an obese person outside I look at them in disgust. I hate it when I see them eating at buffets, pigging out, and at fast food restaurants. I especially hate it when I’m at Wal-Mart and I see some fat lady riding around in one of those automatic wheeler cart thingies. JUST […]



I’ve been called lardass more times in my life than I care to remember. It’s been the default joke thrown my way since elementary school when as a 5th grader and sat on a table in the back of the classroom, collapsing it. What was I thinking? An overweight kid sitting on a flimsy fold-up […]


Officially Boycotting My Double-Chin of Despair

I’m officially boycotting my fat faced, double-chin. I’m tired of it. I hate how it makes me feel. It’s huge! I’m afraid it will end up hanging like a turkey neck. Ahhhhhh!!!! Well, no more double-chin for me. It’s over as of right now! I will do all in my power to get rid of […]


Losing Rocks: Motivation and Inspiration

So there I was, turning on Skype to see who was on. I was minding my business when I saw a buddy of mine who I hadn’t spoken to in a while. His name is Alejandro Reyes. I met him a while back online and we’ve been cool since. Flash back to about 2 months […]


Thanksgiving Binging…Get Over It!

As you may already know, it’s Thanksgiving today in the USA. For some it’s a time to share thanks with your friends and family, for some it’s a time to enjoy each others company, but for some like me, it’s a time to eat and then eat some more. I love eating. That is why […]


Explaining the ‘Mental’ Side of Weight-Loss

This is a guest article written by Dr. Michael A. Snyder, MD, FACS, creator of FullBar. The major barrier to weight loss is accepting the need to change your diet, behaviors, AND relationship with food. These changes require a commitment. And, all of us know that commitments are very difficult!! In life, there are very […]


What I Learned from the Tampa Bay Rays and the ALCS

I’m not a huge baseball fan, but I am a big sports/competition fan. So no matter what sport it is, when playoff time comes I become an instant fan of that sport. I was fortunate enough to attend game 3 of the American League Championship Series (ALCS) in Tampa Bay where the Tampa Bay Rays […]


Mending a broken heart…

I’ve heard there’s an equation for the time it takes to heal after a breakup. They say it takes 2 weeks for every month of the relationship. I just recently broke up with my boyfriend after 2 years together. My heart is hurting, sometimes so much, it is unbearable. Will it really take 1 year […]


Overeaters Anonymous (OA) Meetings – An Inside Look

Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Jenny Clark. She primarily blogs about teaching and education related issues. She teaches 2nd grade in an urban Midwest school. You can see her blog at First I’d like to say that I’m no expert on this. Please see the Overeaters Anonymous (OA) website for […]