
Category: Dr. Kal Unleashed


The Best Foods For Men

My favorite magazine is Men’s Health Magazine. Men’s Health has the best writers. It also has the best combination of fitness and non-fitness related information. In the June, 2008 issue is a value list called: The 125 Best Foods For Men. If you don’t have a subscription, I suggest you pick up this month’s issue […]


Dr. Kal Loses 130 Lbs, Featured on CNN Fit Nation

Fat Man Unleashed’s resident doctor, Dr. Kal, was recently featured on CNN’s Fit Nation with Dr. Sanjay Gupta. The minute I heard about it I was excited, not only was Dr. Kal given some love for his hard work and success, but now he can help share that expertise with even more people that could […]


Golf Can Be A Dangerous Sport

I read this blog post from the New York Times yesterday. The post is about the recent increase in golf cart related injuries since 1990. These injuries have occurred in infants as young as 2 months old and adults as old as 96 years old. Many injuries result in concussions and/or hospitalizations. The experts have […]


It’s Not Your Fault You Regained The Weight

I was reading this article in the Los Angeles Times. The article tries to explain why it is so difficult for people to keep the weight off once they have lost it. In the article they discuss many reasons it is difficult to keep the pounds off including: The human body’s yearn to be at […]


Are You Overweight?

That’s an easy question to answer, but the answer is often difficult to accept. The answer lies in your Body Mass Index (B.M.I.). BMI is a ratio of your weight to your height. It is calculated by multiplying your weight (in pounds) by 703, then dividing by your height (in inches) squared. If your BMI […]


Weight Loss Surgeries Are Not For Everyone

Weight-loss surgeries seem to be gaining in popularity. Many see them as an easy way out. You have the surgery. You lose weight. You go off into the sunset. Unfortunately it’s not that simple. Digestion After food is swallowed, it is broken down by acids in the stomach. Then the nutrients from the food are […]


Decrease your Likelihood of Being Hit By a Meteor

During your weight loss journey, you are going to have days where you forget why you are trying to lose weight. In this post I’ll give you some great reasons to stay the course. These are not my TOP 10 reasons, but they are good reasons. Reason # 1: To Run From Wild Animals There […]


The 5 Best Protein Sources for Building Muscle

Weight Loss Experts continuously debate over which diets are best: “low carb” or “low fat”. I am not sure which side is currently winning and frankly I don’t care. In my opinion, the macronutrients that are most important to weight loss are proteins. Benefits of Protein Protein benefits weight loss in many ways: Building muscle […]


10 Ways to Lose Weight Watching the NCAA Tournament

The NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament started today. I am sure you all have your brackets ready. This year I am very excited because my beloved University of Miami Hurricanes are in the tournament. Now, I do not have the ‘Canes winning the tournament in my brackets, but I have them winning it in my heart. […]


Sleep Better For Faster Weight Loss

Fatigue can kill your weight loss progress. Being tired makes you hungry and stressed. This causes you to eat more calories. Being tired also decreases your energy. This makes you workout with less intensity and decreases the amount of calories you will burn. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you must […]


The Proper Weight Loss Mindset

Obesity is the physical sign of a bad mindset. In order to lose weight and keep it off, you must adopt the proper mindset. Most of you believe that losing weight involves having willpower and being perfect. This is the wrong mindset to have. Permanent weight loss involves planning and persevering. Willpower Willpower is your […]


How to Grow Wings or Get a Wide Back

The ultimate goal for many men is the V-Shape. The V-Shape is created with broad shoulders and a small waist. You learned how to build broad shoulders with this post. To get a small waist, you simply need to follow some of the great weight loss advice here at Fat Man Unleashed. However, what is […]


Running is Overrated

Being a weight loss expert is similar to being a priest. People are always confessing their weight loss sins to you. When I am at a party, people often proclaim to me that tomorrow is the day they are going to start losing weight. I don’t mind listening because weight loss always starts with a […]


8 Highly Effective Cold Prevention Strategies

It seems as if everyone I know is sick, getting over being sick, or about to become sick. Many of these people turn to me for advice. They ask me for drugs and cures. I tell them all the same thing: drink fluids and get rest. Those two simple actions will speed-up your recovery. However, […]


Viagra – The Legal Performance Enhancing Drug

Every time I turn on ESPN, I hear something about performance enhancing drugs. Typically, it’s something about some Senator wasting millions of tax payer’s dollars investigating whether or not some millionaire athlete used steroids or human growth hormone to boost their stats. These public officials obviously do not know about the millions of drug-dealers and […]


Become An American Gladiator

It seems like the major television networks and movie studios have run out of ideas. Instead of coming up with original ideas, they are now simply recycling old movies and television shows. They brought back: The Terminator The Bionic Woman Knight Rider Rambo Rocky I can’t wait until they bring back the A-Team, Air Wolf, […]


Super Bowl Party Versus New Year’s Resolution

Okay, the Super Bowl is set. Israel’s New York Football Giants versus the undefeated and unstoppable New England Patriots. I don’t think the Giants have a chance, but I didn’t think they could beat the Buccaneers, the Cowboys, or the Packers. Now that you know who is in the Super Bowl, you need to make […]


Carry The World On Your Shoulders

This is the first of a new series of weekly posts by Kalvin C. Chinyere, M.D. (Dr. Kal). Along with being a Doctor of Medicine, he is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as a Health and Fitness Instructor and personal trainer. To top it all off he was once a fat bastard, […]