

Being Admired for My Muscles

Pulling a carYep, you read that correctly. I am admired for my muscles. Well, actually, it’s my strength. By whom do you ask? My elderly neighbors. 🙂 My neighbors are always asking me for help with lifting heavy objects. They are the type of folks that were very active in their earlier life and now that they are old they try to stay active. Unfortunately they are held back by surgeries and hernias. That’s where I come in. That’s not me in the pic, but I definitely feel like that when they are around.


When I workout in my shack they can hear me grunting and making noises. They are very aware of my mission to get back into shape. Whenever they need help with something they come over and ask. Whether it’s helping them bring in the groceries or mowing the lawn, I take advantage of it. I especially like it when they say how strong I am. It’s been a while since someone has admired me for my strength, and not just my shear bigness. As shallow as it seems, it makes me feel awesome.

It may not seem like anything, but it helps with my confidence boosting. Being admired does a lot for my workouts too. I tend to feel better about myself because I know that people are noticing the gains (and losses) that I am making. I push harder on the running and go heavier with the weights. Every bit helps.

Next on my list is to get my friends to admire me again. Bwahahaha.

About the Author

My name is Israel Lagares. I used to be the kind of guy that was always in shape, but over the last few years I've fallen off tremendously. This site is my final attempt to get back into shape. So far I've lost 70.4 lbs. Check out my weight loss chart, weight loss videos and progress pics. Follow my journey, those of others, and read our thoughts on various health topics. Share your thoughts, experience, and journey here on FMU.

Community Thoughts (11)

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  1. i saw something like this once on tv, except the man was pulling the car with his balls! ouch!

  2. chrisNo Gravatar says:

    It’s nice to see you help your elderly neighbors. In today’s day and age, it doesn’t happen enough. Good luck with your continued weight loss.

  3. ScottNo Gravatar says:

    Nice one. Incidentally, I suspect your friends already respect what you’re doing. Whether they say it or not.

  4. People being admired for their strength is cool though as it took them a long process to get there. Many people can put these people down but they are more confident and have their focus straight for the most part.

  5. I think that friends should show it…even if they don’t really notice anything more than the effort. Why is it the people that we are closer to are the first ones to spout some criticism and not the good stuff?
    When I lost a considerable amount of weight, last year, and everyone from here to Timbuktu had commented, I still had yet to hear a compliment from my best friend. That was a hard one to take because that is who I most needed approval from.

  6. IsraelNo Gravatar says:

    Right on. I guess close friends find it hard to show love. Dunno.

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